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Long Call Speech: Admission of Nevyn Vinosh to the Bar

Writer's picture: Nevyn VinoshNevyn Vinosh

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

[This Long Call speech was delivered by Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan on the 12th of July 2024, before Yang Arif Dato’ Ahmad Kamal bin Md. Shahid]


My Lord, it is my great pleasure to introduce the Petitioner, Mr Nevyn Vinosh Venudran.

The Petitioner was born on the 13th of October 1999. He is the second child of his parents, Venudran Raman & Charlotte Nelson — who are here with us today. The Petitioner spent his formative years in Kuantan, Pahang. He then proceeded to read law at the University of Malaya.

The Petitioner then went on to complete his pupillage at Messrs Lim Wei Jiet under the tutelage of Mr Lim Wei Jiet, who, by the way was my pupil. (Which makes me feel rather old!). And what do you call a pupil of a pupil. Maybe — a grandpupil.

The Petitioner's Background

The Petitioner was an accomplished student, demonstrating exceptional commitment and leadership throughout his law school years. Apart from being among the youngest Presidents of the UM Law Society to hold office in his 2nd year, the Petitioner is also well known for his mooting prowess.

He won the Lawasia International Moot in his first year, and went on to become a two-time champion at both the Jessup Asia-Pacific and National rounds. Recently, the Petitioner also won and was awarded the best oralist at the KL Bar Moot for Young Lawyers Category.  In all, he participated in 13 moots. He now serves as a moot coach at his alma mater and delivers lectures on advocacy in various local universities. In this way he is using his skills and passion to give back to his community.

Knowing that all work and no play would make him dull, Nevyn took to the sport of squash, and excelled even at that. A state squash athlete for 12 years, the pinnacle of his junior career was representing his home state, Pahang, at the Sukan Malaysia 2022. In 2023, he represented the Bar at the Bench & Bar Games and will be doing so at the upcoming Bench & Bar Games in Singapore next month. My Lord, I am a firm believer that sport is essential to growth and I have no doubt it has equipped the Petitioner with the mental and physical endurance necessary for life as a legal professional. It nurtures sportsmanship which is often needed in the way we deal with our opponents in the cases we handle.

Then there are the Petitioner’s creative impulses. The Petitioner enjoys writing. At the start of his pupillage he co-founded a legal blog with his close comrade Edward Lee — who is also going to be called today — named Hitam Putih where they share legal insights on current issues. The Petitioner believes in academic freedom for all. In 2021, he wrote an article on Article 153 of the Federal Constitution resulting in his being investigated under Section 233 of the CMA pursuant to reports being lodged against him by extreme “keyboard warriors”. All I can say is that he is more than ready for legal practice and for the battles he will face — particularly in human rights work.

My Lord, in the course of getting to know the Petitioner — I have come to understand the Petitioner’s “why?” for wanting to be a member of the Bar. The Petitioner recognises the privileges that life has bestowed upon him that have enabled him to read law — a privilege that the Petitioner believes not everyone is fortunate enough to be blessed with. The Petitioner believes that it is his moral duty to use his skills for those who may not have had the birth lottery that he did. He seeks to work for and advocate for the rights of the marginalised and needy in his practice.

The Petitioner firmly believes that this is his calling and his God-given moral duty to do so.

Who The Petitioner Wishes To Thank

The Petitioner also recognises that his successes thus far are not attributable solely to his individual efforts but more to the love, values, opportunities & sacrifices of his parents, the camaraderie of his friends, the guidance of his mentors and the grace of God.

The Petitioner would like to first thank his Father, Venudran Raman, a self-made man — for the years of sacrifice he has endured to give the Petitioner and his siblings a better life than he had. The Petitioner thanks his Father for supporting each and every one of his passions, goals and dreams — be it financially, or emotionally by coming along on every event and adventure in his life. The Petitioner could not have asked for a better role model to learn the right values in life.

The Petitioner would like to give special recognition to his Mother, Charlotte Nelson, who has given up her life for the betterment of the Petitioner and the family. For as long as the Petitioner can remember, his mother has lived a life of servitude to God, her family and everyone in her community. The Petitioner wishes to place on record that in all his years — he has never encountered such love as profound, pure and unwavering as his mother’s. It is primarily this love, that has been a beacon in guiding the Petitioner along his journey.

The Petitioner would like to thank his partner, Abby. Abby has been a central force in the Petitioner’s pupillage journey — keeping the Petitioner grounded, staying by his side in the lowest moments and adding colour and bliss to the Petitioner’s life every single day. The Petitioner wishes to record that without Abby — he would be a lost boy — and thank her for saving him in many ways.

The Petitioner would like to thank his Pupil Master, Lim Wei Jiet, for mentoring the Petitioner, with humility, grace and passion. The Petitioner’s Master, despite being a young father, husband and a sole proprietor — never failed to make time to mentor the Petitioner. The Petitioner is eternally grateful for the opportunities, camaraderie and relationship he has built with his Master over time.

The Petitioner wishes to thank his mentors — Miss Darshini, Raphael Kok, Mr Saranjit Singh, Prof. Gurdial Singh & Dato' Edwin Paramjothy who have educated the Petitioner in law and life at different stages of his life.

The Petitioner would like thank his brother, Mervyn and his sister, Charnita, for the childhood they shared and to record his love for them — despite their differences.

The Petitioner would like to thank his "Bros" — Hardave, Qiddy, Ganesha, Podi, Kiru, Kishen & Dzul; his "Queens" — Mun, Cynthia, Geoffrey & Lea; and his law school mates — Ignatius, Edward, Luc, Aaron, Ram & Sharwin.

Last but certainly not least, the Petitioner would like to record his appreciation to God without whom the aforementioned aspects of his life would not have occurred. The Petitioner lives his life by the verse Proverbs 22:4 which reads “the reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honour and life”.


My Lord, the Malaysian Bar is one of the most respected institutions in this country and certainly one of the most courageous (I'm biased of course). Unlike in other countries, the Malaysian Bar is required by statute, Section 42(1)(a) of the Legal Profession Act to “uphold the cause of justice without regard to its own interests or that of its members, uninfluenced by fear or favour”. It is our raison ďetre. So when people say why is the Bar interfering and speaking up on issues that don’t affect their profession, this is why.  Because we must.  In all my years at the Bar I am proud to say I believe we have acquitted ourselves admirably in fulfilling this statutory duty. And of course (as we must), we speak in defence of the Rule of Law, which includes the independence of judiciary — which is key. We have never and will never remain silent if judicial independence is interfered with or undermined in any way.

My Lord, I have worked with the Petitioner and I believe he is fully cognisant of the duty, honour, and hard work that is required of him when he joins our ranks. I believe that the Petitioner is a fit and proper person to be admitted and enrolled as an Advocate and Solicitor.


I believe all the papers are in order, and there are no objections from the Attorney General’s Chambers, Bar Council of Malaysia and the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee.

[Counsel representing the AGC: No objections]

[Counsel representing the Bar Council of Malaysia: No objections]

[Counsel representing the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee: No objections]

My Lord, in the circumstances, I pray that the Petitioner, Nevyn Vinosh Venudran be admitted and enrolled as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya.

[Judge: Dengan kuasa yang diberikan kepada saya di bawah Akta Profesion Undang-Undang 1976, Mahkamah dengan ini menerima masuk Nevyn Vinosh Venudran untuk didaftarkan sebagai peguambela dan peguamcara Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya]

Much obliged My Lord, I hereby seek this Honourable Court’s leave for the Petitioner’s Pupil Master to robe the Petitioner.

[Speech has been edited for brevity, and may not entirely be in verbatim]


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